Plasmolifting is:
- a unique development that was created by the Russian scientists Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov, professor, M.D., and Roman Feliksovich Zarudy, PhD, and gained recognition and support of many physicians
- an innovative method of administration of thrombocytic autoplasma (platelet rich plasma) in human tissues (PRP technology)
- non-toxic and safe procedure of controlling the tissue regeneration process. The Plasmolifting action is completely and totally based on internal resources of a body
- scientifically certified method of treatment and prophylaxis of many diseases
- a method that is gaining its popularity now and is widely used in cosmetology, trichology, traumatology, orthopaedics, urology, dentistry, gynaecology and other medical areas
What Is Plasmolifting?
Plasmolifting is an injection method of administration of thrombocytic autoplasma in human tissues (PRP technology), invented and firstly applied by the Russian scientists R.R. Akhmerov and R.F. Zarudy.
Plasmolifting is a natural method of rejuvenating and modelling the tissue regeneration processes. Its action is based on use of the regenerative effect of thrombocytic plasma that is administered into the treatment zone with the help of injections.
Use of platelet rich plasma is presently one of the few possibilities to modulate and improve wound healing and to resist to ingress of infection without using the medications.
Initially, the methodology was developed for maxillofacial surgery, being aimed to improve the processes of regeneration and treatment of atrophic states of soft tissues. However, the practice has proven that the range of Plasmolifting methodology use has considerably extended recently.
Plasmolifting in dentistry

The Plasmolifting™ method has become a base for the Plasmodent™ dental procedure.
Amongst other dental procedures, Plasmodent™ is an injectable method of local stimulation of regenerative processes in tissues. Its task is not only achieving the elimination of inflammatory process in parodontium but also starting up the process of natural recovery of gum tissue colour, shape and structure, and, as well, preventing the loss of bone tissue.
How Does Plasmolifting Work in Dentistry?
This procedure is based on the patented method of patient’s blood treatment with a special kit of air-free bio-technological test tubes and a peculiar principle of the centrifugal process. As a result, we obtain the injectable preparation of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and this is the product to be administered into paradontium tissues.
Thrombocytic autoplasma is a highly efficient biological stimulator of regeneration processes and it contains the high-concentration growth factors and, as well, hormones, proteins and vitamins in their natural combination.
Autoplasma is locally injected in lesional gum tissues, in places of implantation or osteoplasty, in zones of sinus floor elevation, in alveolar sockets of extracted teeth, in areas of osteosynthesis or implanted membrane, in maxillofacial areas of soft tissues during acute and chronic infectious-ibflammatory processes. Due to the growth factors contained in it, thrombocytic plasma injected in tissues induces capillary budding and normalises circulatory dynamics, cell respiration and metabolism. There simultaneously takes place the process of bone tissue strengthening and formation of collagen and bone matrix with participation of bone morphogenetic proteins of collagen. There also takes place activation of local immunity. An important thing is that the components contained in plasma are perfectly natural for people, are not mutagens and cannot cause oncologic diseases, tumour and other negative responses. An undoubted plus of the Plasmolifting™ method is its safety, since the PRP injection composition is an ‘inhouse-constructed’ product of a human being, it is not toxic and absolutely excludes any rejection reactions and possibilities of ingress of infection.
What are the Advantages of the Plasmolifting Procedure in Dentistry?
Plasmodent™ is a unique and unmatched procedure based on the PRP therapy technology. It allows stimulating the autoregeneration processes in required zones and tissues. It is known that antibacterial or anti-inflammatory medications used in contemporary dentistry are of low efficiency, since they often only remove inflammation and improve circulatory dynamics for a while but do not start up regeneration processes directly.
However, you shall remember that tissues in this area have already been structurally destroyed, this meaning that receipt of nutrients and ‘building’ cells is hindered but the effect achieved will be only temporary and not pronounced.
Indications to Using the Plasmolifting Procedure in Dentistry:
- Generalised periodontitis (of the 1st,2nd or 3rd severity level)
- Gingivitis
- Localised periodontitis
- Alveolitis
- Operations of implantation or tooth extraction
- Peri-implant pathologies
- Prophylaxis of parodontium tissue diseases